Sunday, June 19, 2011

Garlic and Wine Shrimp

There's really few things better than delicious, succulent shrimp! It is hard to get white shrimp with the heads and shell still attached around where we live so when we took a trip to an Asian supermarket in Mississauga and I spotted them, I made a beeline to the seafood counter. I am still amazed at how accurate the old 'uncles' behind the counter are when it comes to scooping up the perfect pound! Maybe with time and practice, I can one day achieve that!

I decided to make Garlic and Wine Shrimp. It was super fast and extremely easy to cook. You can also use any type of shrimp.

Serves 2-3 people

1 lb of shrimp (preferably with shell on)
4 cloves of garlic
2 tablespoons of Chinese cooking wine (Shaoxing)
Salt and sugar to taste
2 stalks of green onion (only the green part)
2 tablespoons of butter
1 tablespoon of olive or canola oil

1. Wash and pat the shrimp dry, set aside.
2. In a wok or pan, heat up about 2 tablespoons of butter and 1 tablespoon of oil. The oil will ensure that the butter does not burn quickly.
3. Mince the garlic and fry till it turns a light golden brown.
4. Add in the shrimp and stir
5. Add in the wine
6. Stir around for 6-8 minutes and season to taste with salt and sugar.
7. Chop up the green onions and add it to the shrimp.
7. Serve and eat immediately while still pipping hot!

** I added in a tiny bit of chili flakes at the end for an added kick. You don't have to if you do not like spicy food.

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